How to Remove Algae From the Pool Without a Vacuum

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Are you wondering how to remove algae from the pool without a vacuum? The best way to remove them is by optimizing the PH level, disposing of excess algae with tools, using an Algaecidal Solution, or emptying and refilling the pool.

In this article, we will outline how to remove algae from a pool without a vacuum and some other common questions.

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Simple Ways for How to Remove Algae From the Pool Without a Vacuum

Here are some simple ways to remove algae from a pool without a vacuum.

Use Your Hands and Common Tools

Our first method for How to Remove Algae From the Pool Without a Vacuum is simple. If the algae does not cover the entire pool, you can likely use your hands or any other common tool to scoop most of it up. Keep repeating until the algae is gone. If the algae is too thick and contain some tough bits, you can use a net or bucket to scoop it up and throw it away. Enable and Optimize the PH Level

About half of the pool can be adjusted with a chemical formula that gets diluted into water. The other half needs to be adjusted manually.

Optimize PH levels

The PH levels are very important to the growth of algae. Environmentally sensitive algae grow best in a slightly acidic environment. If the pool is too alkaline, you will have to adjust the PH level. Some things you can do to increase the PH level include:

  • Increase the chlorine level by adding more chlorine tablets.
  • Add more acid such as muriatic acid to change the pool water’s pH level.
  • Add some Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3)
  • Use a swimming pool PH increaser or a weak chlorine solution

Remember, optimizing the PH level of the pool is an ongoing process. If you neglect it for long, algae will come back.

Freshen the Water

The best way to remove algae from a pool is to use a water conditioner before adding chlorine and heavy metals. You can also use an algaecide and then fill your swimming pool with fresh water afterward.

Use an Algaecidal Solution

An algaecidal solution helps to reduce the algae growth in your pool. You can use it along with water treatments to fill your swimming pool with clean, clear water.

Clorox makes an exceptional algaecidal solution that will kill algae and prevent it from growing.

Empty the pool

If the entire pool is filled with algae, the best option is likely to empty the pool. Empty the pool, scrub it with your preferred brush, wash the walls and then refill it with fresh water. Remember, the chlorine level must be high for effective cleaning.

Use chemical treatments to kill algae and bacteria, which include bromine and chlorine in
some cases.

Pool Algae FAQ

Here are some questions we thought you may have regarding How to Remove Algae From the Pool Without a Vacuum.

Why Does Algae Occur in a pool?

Algae forms in a swimming pool when the chlorine level is too low. Chlorine reacts with the chemicals in the water to kill bacteria, but it can’t kill algae. This leaves algae with ample food, so they grow and multiply quickly. Algae also grow because of heat and chemicals present in pools – both helpful and harmful for your health, depending on how much you swim there.

How to Prevent Algae from Growing?

Now that we know How to Remove Algae From the Pool Without a Vacuum, you may be wondering if you can prevent it. To prevent algae growth, you should optimize your swimming pool’s chlorination level and keep a watch on it every week or two when algae appear in your swimming pool. When you notice algae, do the following:

Is Algae Dangerous?

Algae is not harmful to humans or animals. However, it can be a nuisance because it can get in places you don’t want it too, such as the eyes and nose. The best way to remove algae from your pool is to take the steps outlined below.

Do You Need to Apply Algaecide?

If you want to remove algae from your swimming pool without removing it, you can use an algaecide instead. Although, if your swimming pool is not too damaged and there are no major issues such as bacteria and viruses, you don’t need to use a specific algaecide.

Instead, try using a swimmer’s soap or a cleaner you find at the store. It will do the job better than chlorine without the potential risks associated with chlorine.


We hope you see that there are many answers for how to remove algae from a pool without a vacuum. Follow any one of our previously outlined methods and you can remove algae from your pool with ease.

We hope this guide has answered your questions regarding how to remove algae from a pool without a vacuum.

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